Generator Hostel - Amsterdam
Blom & Blom was asked to participate in the lighting design for the Generator Hostel in Amsterdam. In close cooperation with the Toronto-based interior design office ‘Design Agency’, we designed and produced two eye-catching centerpieces. A playful composition of laboratory glass beakers illuminates the Auditorium Bar, and a labyrinth of pipes, valves, and lights emphasizes the industrial feeling of the Boiler Room. Additionally, we provided a large selection of original lighting fixtures for the various communal areas in the hostel.

The building housing the Generator Hostel was initially home to the laboratory for Health Studies of the University of Amsterdam. The former lecture hall has been turned into an impressive chill-out lounge and bar, and elements like the original seating have been maintained. Linking to its previous occupation, we designed a lighting installation above the former lecture table that consists of 70 laboratory glass beakers. A part of the glassware has actually been used by students of the University of Amsterdam, as it was recovered from the building’s basement.

The Dromedary at the entrance.